4-in-1 Catapult Kit


The Scoop
This kit will produce 3 different types of catapults and a battering ram. I mean ya never know when something needs battering or flung really far away.  This kit will promote the discovery of physics’ principles (as well the discovery of how far they can fling their sister’s favorite doll).  Here’s how you get them psyched up. Have them watch a medieval movie that uses a catapult then afterwards bring this kit out (sorta like how watching Karate Kid makes kids want to sign up for karate).  Get ’em off smart phone apps and into hands on learning!
Product Details
  • Nuts-and-bolts construction kit for building 3 catapults and a battering ram
  • Encourages fine motor skills, visual-spatial skills, creativity, an interest in physics, engineering, history
  • Detailed instructions make it easy to perfectly build each machine
  • Bearings built into Connection Rods spin smooth and fast for optimum launch efficiency
  • High quality design and materials – Lasting durability, exceptional building experience
What is it for?
Catapultin’ and ramin’
Who is it for?
12 yrs old and up that like to make stuff that does cool stuff
Gotta Have it
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