Inflat-A-Bull: Inflatable Bull Riding for the Pool
The Scoop
Ever thought about training to be a rough and tumble bull rider? Perhaps joining the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) and being adorned by thousands dozens of raving fans in cowboy hats? Well, here’s where you can start. Its Inflata-Bull, the amazing (and majestic) inflatable bull riding pool apparatus. Hey, ya gotta start somewhere and this is as good (and safe) a place as any.
Product Details
- Featuring: durable 17.5 gauge vinyl, 3 air chambers, durable grab handles
- Dimensions: 96″ x 77″ x 32″
What is it for?
Trainin’ up for ridin’ bulls (or just playin’ on with friends after everyone else got hurt playing chicken)
Who is it for?
Anyone that has a pool and wants to be the talk of the pool community, thats all.